Pocket for Mac no longer available - FAQ

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Pocket Platform Support Update

At Pocket, we strive to provide our users with the best possible experience across all platforms. As part of this commitment, Pocket for Mac is no longer supported and may not work as expected. After August 15, 2023, the app will no longer work.

Pocket for iOS is now available for users on Mac computers with Apple Silicon. If you don’t have a Mac computer with Apple Silicon, you can continue to access Pocket for Mac until it’s no longer available on August 15, 2023. After this date, the Mac app will no longer function.

Additionally, you can access Pocket’s website or use Pocket for iOS or Android.

Please review some frequently asked questions below for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I’m eligible to install Pocket for iOS on my Mac?

Starting with certain models introduced in late 2020, Apple began the transition from Intel processors to Apple silicon in Mac computers. If you’re unsure if your device contains Apple silicon, check out this article from Apple to view a list of which Mac computers can install iOS apps including Pocket. If you use a Mac computer with Apple Silicon, you can install Pocket for iOS.

My Mac does not have Apple Silicon and I can’t install Pocket for iOS. How can I continue to use Pocket?

If your Mac computer doesn’t have Apple Silicon, you can continue to use Pocket for Mac until August 15, 2023. After this date, you can access Pocket’s website or mobile apps for iOS and Android.

Why is Pocket discontinuing Pocket for Mac?

We are creating a more consistent user experience across mobile and web, making it easier for you to discover, save and access your content on any device, at any time.

How can I learn more about Pocket’s transition to Mozilla accounts?

Learn more about Pocket's transition to Mozilla accounts.

I have a question that isn't answered here. How can I get help?

For additional questions regarding Pocket for Mac, please contact Pocket Support.

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