Protect your container tabs with Mozilla VPN

Mozilla VPN Mozilla VPN 최종 변경일: 67%의 사용자가 유용하다고 평가했습니다.
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The Container tabs feature in Firefox lets you separate your online identities and activities into different tabs. For example, you can use one container tab for personal browsing, another for work browsing, another for shopping, etc. This helps you keep your activity more isolated between use cases.

By using container tabs and Mozilla VPN together, you can enjoy a higher level of online privacy by indicating different locations for each one of your containers. For example, if you live in the U.S. but care about local French news, you can set your news consumption container to VPN through France, and your personal shopping container to VPN through the United States.

Please ensure that you have an active subscription and the latest Mozilla VPN client version installed to enable integration with Multi-Account Containers.

To enable Mozilla VPN on your containers:

  1. Make sure that you have the Multi-Account Containers extension installed. For instructions, see Multi-Account Containers.
  2. Click on the Multi-Account Containers icon in the toolbar. If you haven't installed Mozilla VPN, click the Learn More button to be redirected to the Mozilla VPN website, where you can subscribe and download the app.
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  3. Install and sign in to Mozilla VPN if you’re using it for the first time. This allows the Multi-Account Containers extension to know that it’s installed.
  4. The Mozilla VPN logo and a status indicator will appear on the main panel.
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  5. Click Manage Containers at the bottom.
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  6. The list of containers will appear. Select the container for which you want to enable Mozilla VPN.
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  7. A toggle will show in the Mozilla VPN section of your container's editing panel once you have integrated the VPN. Switch it to enable Mozilla VPN for this container.
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  8. Choose a location from the picker.
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All set! To confirm that the VPN is enabled check if the container where Mozilla VPN is configured displays the flag associated with the country of the server location of your choice.

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