How to report inappropriate content on Mozilla Support

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What's considered inapropriate

The following content is considered inappropriate based on our Forum Moderation Guidelines:

  • foul language
  • person attacks
  • spam links
  • sensitive information (personal info, phone numbers, etc.)
  • links to executable files
  • nsfw content in the media gallery or as attachment in a thread

How to report inappropriate content

If you see any of those content in our platform, you can report it for moderation by following these steps:

Forum question/answer

  1. Click on the three dots menu in the top right corner of the question/answer and click on Report Abuse. A dialog window will appear.
  2. Choose the type of content from the radio button.
  3. You can leave extra context for your report in the comment field.
  4. Hit the Submit when you're ready to send the report.

User profile

  1. From the profile page, click on the Report Abuse menu just above the profile name.
  2. Choose the type of content from the radio button.
  3. You can leave extra context for your report in the comment field.
  4. Hit the Submit when you're ready to send the report.

What happen after I submitted a report?

Once you submitted your report, the content will be hidden temporarily until a moderator take an action on it.

문서 작성 및 변경에 도움 주신 분들

Illustration of hands

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