Review your Mozilla account activity and protect your data

Mozilla Account Mozilla Account 최종 변경일: 1주, 2일 ago
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If you suspect your Mozilla account has been compromised or just want to perform a security check-up, it’s important to take the right steps. This guide explains how to review your Mozilla account activity, change your password, review account activity, and enable two-step authentication. You’ll also learn how to check for data breaches using Mozilla Monitor to enhance your overall security.

Where can I see my recent account activity?

There are a couple of ways you can check your account activity:

  • You received an email from detailing a recent sign-in event or product access.
You will receive this email whenever your account or a product is signed into for the first time on an unrecognized device.

What action should I take?

Change your Mozilla account password

Changing your password ensures no one can access your account with old credentials. It also signs you out from all devices and services to protect your data.

  • Sign in to your Mozilla account and, next to Password, select Change to update your password.

Monitor connected services for unauthorized access

Regularly reviewing the devices and services connected to your Mozilla account helps identify and address unauthorized activity.

  1. Sign in to your Mozilla account and scroll down to the Connected Services section to see all logged-in devices and services.
    Tip: After resetting your password, this list should only show devices you’ve logged into since the reset.
  2. Remove unrecognized devices. If you spot suspicious entries, click the Sign out button next to that entry.

Enable two-step authentication

Adding two-step authentication to your account provides an additional security layer by requiring a second verification step, making unauthorized access much more difficult.

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  1. Sign in to your Mozilla account and enable two-step authentication in the security section to enable this feature.
  2. Set up an authentication app. Use a trusted app like Google Authenticator or Authy to generate codes for signing in.

Check for data breaches with Mozilla Monitor

Mozilla Monitor helps you discover if your email address has been exposed in a known data breach. Taking action based on this information can help you secure your other accounts as well.

  1. Visit and enter your email address to scan for known exposures. Exposures are events where login credentials from other websites may become publicly shared through a breach of security.
  2. Review breach details. If your credentials were exposed, update your passwords for affected services immediately.
Tip: Use a password manager to create and store strong, unique passwords for all your accounts.

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