Save to Pocket on Android

Pocket Pocket 최종 변경일: 1주, 5일 ago 88%의 사용자가 유용하다고 평가했습니다.
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When you find something you want to save, look for the ShareFxPreview-share-icon button. It can usually be found in your device’s menu, or when tapping the share menu in an app (usually found in a menu or toolbar). Here’s what some common Share buttons look like:

Saving to Pocket on Android 1

When you tap Share you’ll be presented with a list of share options and you will find Add to Pocket.

Pocket share

Other Ways to Save

If you’re trying to save a link and cannot find the shareFxPreview-share-icon option, there are other ways to save to Pocket:

  • You can copy the link to your Clipboard then open Pocket to add it to your List.

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Illustration of hands

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