Subscribe to Firefox Relay Premium

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아직 누구도 이 문서의 번역에 참여하지 않았습니다. SUMO 문서 변역에 참여하는 방법에 대해 이미 알고 계시다면, 번역을 시작해 보세요 . SUMO 문서를 번역하는 방법에 대해 알고 싶으시면, 여기서 시작하세요.

Make the most of Relay with a Premium subscription and protect your privacy even further.

Follow the steps below to subscribe

Relay Premium enhances your privacy by allowing you to create unlimited email masks and block promotional emails. It also offers phone masking, available in the US and Canada, for text and call forwarding without revealing your real number. We currently offer monthly and annual plans for Relay Premium. To learn how to bundle your subscription and get more protection at a better price, see Upgrade your subscription. To become a subscriber, visit

  1. Go to
  2. Sign in to your Mozilla account.
    Sign in Relay
  3. On the top right corner of your screen, click Upgrade.

    Dashboard Upgrade
  4. From the available options, select the plan that fits your needs and click Sign up.

    Sign up plan
  5. Check the box to confirm the charge.

    Confirm change of plan
  6. Fill your payment information and, on the bottom of the screen, click Pay now.


Congrats! Now you are subscribed to Relay Premium. You can read the next article to learn more about How Firefox Relay protects you through email and phone masks.

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