Use MDN offline with your MDN Plus subscription

MDN Plus MDN Plus 최종 변경일: 62%의 사용자가 유용하다고 평가했습니다.
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MDN offline allows you to browse MDN without an internet connection. It can also enable you to have a faster experience while saving data.

MDN offline requires an MDN Plus 5 or MDN Supporter 10 subscription.

Learn more about how to use MDN offline below.

Supported features

The following features are supported offline:

  • Browsing content: If offline mode is enabled, offline content is preferred. All content will load without an internet connection, with the exception of a few Github-based examples and large video files.
  • Collections: Previously saved articles will appear and you’re able to browse your collections. However, adding or removing articles doesn’t work without an active internet connection.
  • Notifications: Previously received notifications will be displayed and can be read. However, notifications read while in offline mode will not be marked as read for later, and cannot be starred without an active internet connection.

Use PWA for mobile access

To use MDN offline on your mobile device, you can leverage the MDN PWA.

Enable offline storage


  1. Sign in to MDN Plus.
  2. Tap the user menu and select App settings.
  3. Tap Enable offline storage.
  4. Select one of the following options for how to update:
  • Manually update by clicking Update now
  • Enable auto-update


  1. Sign in to MDN Plus.
  2. Click the user menu on the right side of the page.
  3. Click MDN Offline.
  4. Switch the toggle next to Enable offline storage.
  5. Click the Download button under Update status to download the latest version of MDN Web Docs and have offline access to the library.
  6. Wait for the download to complete.

Clear stored data

  1. Tap the user menu and select App settings.
  2. Tap Clear data.

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