Viewing and editing Your Pocket profile

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As of January 2023, profiles are private and cannot be viewed by others. While we revisit public sharing in Pocket, you can still access your profile and recommended articles on Pocket's website. To see your profile on the Pocket website, click on the Account button in the upper-right corner and then click View Profile.

What information is included in my profile?

Your profile can include:

  • A name, a short bio and a profile picture/avatar.
  • The list of items you have recommended on Pocket.
  • The number of followers you have and the number of people you’re following.

Your profile does not include:

  • Items in your Saves, Archive, Favorites or Tags.
  • Your email address.

How can I view my profile?

You can access your profile in Pocket for iOS and Pocket's website. Click the Account button in the upper-right corner to open the menu:

Pocket account

Select View Profile to see your profile page.

Pocket View Profile

How can I edit my profile?

Changes can be made to your Profile via Pocket's website. To edit your name, profile photo or bio, click Edit on your profile page header, or visit your profile menu in your settings. If you make changes here, refresh your profile page to see the update.

Can I set or change my username?

Pocket is now using Mozilla Accounts which is the email address you use to sign in to Pocket. If you previously set up a user profile, you'll see a username on your private profile page and in your Profile settings.

Previous Pocket usernames cannot be created or changed. We will be removing usernames from view as we complete this transition to Mozilla Accounts.

Can I share my profile with others?

As of January 2023, profiles are private. It's no longer possible to look up other profiles, but you can continue to access your own profile on Pocket for Web.

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