What can be saved to Pocket?

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Pocket saves links (URLs) from your web browser. This means that Pocket can save your linked articles, blog posts, videos, images and more. If a page can be viewed in your web browser and its URL starts with HTTP or HTTPS, it can be saved to Pocket.

Most articles, blog posts, and other text-based web pages will be viewable in Article View, where text, images and embedded videos will be formatted to fit perfectly on your device or computer screen. Other web pages that cannot be shown in Article View will be displayed in View Original, which is the same as viewing it in a browser. Click here to learn more about Article View and View Original.

Can I access what I save without an internet connection?

Pocket has rudimentary support for PDF files and images, but there are a couple of limitations.

  • Like anything else you'd want to save to Pocket, the PDF or image file must be hosted online, and be viewable in a browser with a unique URL. Files that are locally stored on your computer or mobile device cannot be saved to Pocket.
  • At this time PDFs cannot be saved using the Android app.
  • PDFs display in View Original and cannot be searched with Pocket Premium's full-text search feature.

Can I upload files from my computer (Word documents, photos, eBooks) forward emails, upload music files or other file types?

Pocket does not support uploading files from your computer as the item must be hosted online with a shareable URL.

Pocket does not support file types other than PDFs and image files.

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