What's new in Firefox for iOS (version 97)

Firefox for iOS Firefox for iOS 최종 변경일: 72%의 사용자가 유용하다고 평가했습니다.
자원 봉사자들이 이 문서를 번역 중에 있습니다. 번역이 완료되기 전까지는 영문 버전을 참고해 주세요. 이와 같은 문서를 번역하는 데 도움을 보태고 싶은 분들은 이 링크를 이용하시면 됩니다.

Welcome to a new version of Firefox for iOS (version 97). This release comes with the following improvements and features:

App Store rating request

You may be prompted to leave a rating for the Firefox for iOS app on the App Store. The prompt won't interrupt your tasks and may only appear when you open the tabs tray.

Pocket article recommendations are scrollable horizontally

Pocket article recommendations are now scrollable horizontally on your Firefox homepage.

iOS pocket homepage scrollable

Bug fixes

The following bug fixes were implemented:

  • The keyboard shortcut command + L is working as expected and will select the location bar to be ready for typing.
  • The keyboard shortcut command + F is working as expected and will open and select the Find panel.
  • Searching for saved logins is working as expected.

문서 작성 및 변경에 도움 주신 분들

Illustration of hands

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