import messages from a .txt file
hey all
Im working a case where I received a slew of email files in 1 large .txt file, I have tried to import this text file into TB 31.1.1 and I cant get the messages in for the life of me. It is a backup of all email messages:
1. when I try to use File --> Open Saved Message, I get the first message and that is all, I can not get the messages imported (there are family photos and what not in there as well)
thanks in advance
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more info
there are 3 separate .txt files from 3 separate emails. size is about 350 mb for 1, 160 mb for file 2 and 227 mb for the third. The files can been seen in notebook (but of course all the graphic elements look like gobbledygook), I need to restore these for a boss at my work, the email headers and content and all of that are still in there, thanks again, this has me pulling whats left of my hair out
What happens if you change the extension from txt to eml?
yea, that doesn't fix it, I changed the extension, then tried to import the message, thinderbird replied with importing; however, it failed, and nothing was imported into thunderbird. Also tried with outlook and that didnt work either, thanks for your assistance
the files came from yahoo directly as a .txt file
Don't import the eml file, just use File/Open Saved Message, or drag it from Explorer and drop it in a TB folder.
same result on the drag over and the load saved, get the first message, cant get anything else
this was a dump from yahoo of email accounts. thanks for the help on this, I really mean that
Rather than try to import the mail that was 'exported' from Yahoo, it might make more sense to set up the Yahoo account in TB so the messages can be downloaded to TB in a readable form.
Otherwise, you may be able to separate the large text file into separate files, corresponding to each message, and change txt to eml.