On Mac, need to navigate to first google search listing by keystroke, the tab key works sometimesand sometimes the down arrow works, nothing works consistently
If I do a search using the google search engine, say of a phone number like (530) 335-5414 it results in a page with about 10 to 15 listing. Here is what the page looks like https://www.google.com/?gws_rd=ssl#q=%28530%29%20335-5414 I am on a mac and I need to find a keyboard command to get me reliably to select the first listing . When the caret appears next to the listing I can press the enter key to open the underlying hyperlink. I have had success doing this with the tab key and sometimes it works almost 8 times in a row. Then I sometimes use the down arrow key and it occasionally gets me there. IS THERE A RELIABLE KEYBOARD NAVIGATION TO THE FIRST LISTING ON A GOOGLE SEARCH RESULT PAGE. I don't understand why my keyboard only works occasionally to navigate in this way . This is very important for me to do this and maybe someone out there knows how to get to select the first listing on a page by keyboard that works. Thank you very much for you
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I've called the big guys to help you. Good luck.