Federal court website gives a .pl document which opens as garbage until we manually change it to .pdf, is there any way to get Firefox to do this automatically?
I am using a Mac. When downloading a document from the federal court website using Firefox, we get a .pl document which opens as garbage (in TextEdit) until we manually change it to .pdf, which causes it to open just fine (in Preview). It used to work fine, giving a .pdf document every time, but apparently upgrades to Firefox have removed this functionality. As far as I can tell my computer, an iMac running Mac system OS X 10.10.1, does not recognize the .pl format. Is there any way to get Firefox to automatically convert a downloaded file from .pl format to .pdf format? My friend tells me that Google Chrome downloads these documents with no problem. I would prefer to stick with Firefox but I might have to change if every downloaded document is in an unreadable format.
This is a typical example of what I get when I try to open a .pl document (the pdf version is a one page document using plain English):
%PDF-1.5 %‚„œ” 2 0 obj <</Length1 15628/Length 10121/Filter/FlateDecode>>stream xúÌ{i`?U∂9∑™∫;kWoYÈtuö?K??“Ñ?R@“ F!,Å$??ñê?ÑÑ?d?? ??Ç?䆆¢≤) ¢Ääƒet\?FeûN?࣌???∆?y3"ÈÔ‹Í??|Ûæ˜˝˙˛LUNü{œ›Œ=€=∑i
All Replies (2)
HI jlawrence1, Is it possible to associated the pl file mimetype with an application? Applications panel - Set how Firefox handles different types of files
Instead of just downloading, right click and select Save Link As....
Contact the web site support and ask about this.