error message
I have windows xp...Today I got the following message when I was downloading. "windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropropriate permissions to access the item". How do I resolve?
All Replies (6)
Hey bvf56
Is the account you are trying to download onto the admin account
And if so where are you downloading to?
Cheers Brad
Ezalaki modifié
yes Not sure where it's downloading. How can I find this out?
does this help?: Where to find and manage downloaded files in Firefox
Hey again
Dam phil beat me to it :) Check it out for us and get back to us with what you think
Thanks brad
I knew this....When downloading it is saved to my download file. From this file when I prompt for the download to open...This is when the error message appears and prevents me from viewing the download.
Hello again, sorry for the late reply.
So, the file is downloading but when you attempt to open the file once it has finished downloading and saved in your downloads file, this is when you get the error message? (sorry long day and my eyes and head are sore :) )
Hope this helps
Good luck and get back to us. Brad