Google has Advanced Search..want to use similar function, while searching in Firefox history?
Google has Advanced Search ..where you can search all these words, this exact phrase, any of these words.. Etc..etc..You Know..
Now .. I know that google is search engine, and firefox is browser.. But I want to use ..similar function in firefox browse history..
In firefox bowser history, in search tab.. I want to search.. Text.. Phrase..from this site ..etc.. I have so many youtube histories.. and among them..want to find..DeathNote AMV's I have watched..
So search DeathNote site:youtube.com in my search history
Is there any Firefox extension..please tell me
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please answer.. are there any good..firefox history manager.. firefox extension..or even a standalone software.. which lets you do difficult search work..among histories.. like Time range websites..etc..
xidoci1879 said
In firefox bowser history, in search tab.. I want to search.. Text.. Phrase..from this site ..etc.. I have so many youtube histories.. and among them..want to find..DeathNote AMV's I have watched.. So search DeathNote site:youtube.com in my search history Is there any Firefox extension..please tell me
In the Library window (Ctrl+Shift+h), if you put deathnote youtube.com in the tiny search box at the upper right, you should find pages that have both of those in the title and/or URL. But that is all Firefox's history has: titles, URLs, and visit date/time.
I don't think an extension could easily combine searching page content with history. Firefox's does save some page content in its web cache, but it's fragmented, temporary, and as far as I know, not searchable.
So let's get back to where we started: Google Advanced Search shows all the possible videos on the topics, and you need a list of which ones you have seen and which ones you haven't. When you generate your search results, the links usually should be colored differently for visited and unvisited URLs, but that's a little hard to see sometimes and what a pain to review page after page. Perhaps what would be useful is an extension that can run the search, pull the results, compare with your history, and give you two simple lists: visited and unvisited. I don't know that anyone has ever created anything like that.
xidoci1879 said
are there any good..firefox history manager.. firefox extension..or even a standalone software.. which lets you do difficult search work..among histories.. like Time range websites..etc..
There are history manager/search extensions that could help with searching by date. I don't use any of them, so I don't have a personal recommendation.