Global indexing/search stopping/freezing in specific folder
I am trying to index a large IMAP mailbox. The indexer seems to be working fine then always stops while indexing the 'Archive' folder (~27k messages). Gets to a certain % and stops. This is the first time I have tried to index this mailbox.
Steps I have tried
- Close and re-open TB
- The indexing will restart happily and will index new emails but will still get stuck at some point during the Archive folder
- Deleted the global-messages-db.sqlite and attempted rebuild as per here
- Repair folder (Archive)
- The percentage it 'stops' at will vary if I have done one of the above steps (e.g repair) but if you just close and re-open it always appears to stop at the same place.
When it stops that co-incides with the following error messages (This is repeatable): (Sorry I don't know how to format code blocks on this forum, trying standard MD)
TypeError: RecurIterator._expandMap[this.rule.freq] is undefined Ical.sys.mjs:5082:24
setup_defaults resource:///modules/calendar/Ical.sys.mjs:5082 init resource:///modules/calendar/Ical.sys.mjs:3949 fromData resource:///modules/calendar/Ical.sys.mjs:3887 RecurIterator resource:///modules/calendar/Ical.sys.mjs:3761 iterator resource:///modules/calendar/Ical.sys.mjs:5387 _expandComponent resource:///modules/calendar/Ical.sys.mjs:2882 _ensureCoverage resource:///modules/calendar/Ical.sys.mjs:2791 utcOffset resource:///modules/calendar/Ical.sys.mjs:2682 convert_time resource:///modules/calendar/Ical.sys.mjs:2458 convertToZone resource:///modules/calendar/Ical.sys.mjs:1531 getInTimezone resource:///modules/CalDateTime.sys.mjs:133 getItemDates resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calDateTimeFormatter.sys.mjs:453 formatItemInterval resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calDateTimeFormatter.sys.mjs:474 updateInvitationOverlay resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calInvitationUtils.sys.mjs:432 setField resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calInvitationUtils.sys.mjs:380 updateInvitationOverlay resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calInvitationUtils.sys.mjs:418 createInvitationOverlay resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calInvitationUtils.sys.mjs:292 convertToHTML resource:///modules/CalMimeConverter.sys.mjs:59
NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS: [JavaScript Error: "RecurIterator._expandMap[this.rule.freq] is undefined" {file: "resource:///modules/calendar/Ical.sys.mjs" line: 5082}]'[JavaScript Error: "RecurIterator._expandMap[this.rule.freq] is undefined" {file: "resource:///modules/calendar/Ical.sys.mjs" line: 5082}]' when calling method: [calIDateTime::getInTimezone] calDateTimeFormatter.sys.mjs:453
getItemDates resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calDateTimeFormatter.sys.mjs:453 formatItemInterval resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calDateTimeFormatter.sys.mjs:474 updateInvitationOverlay resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calInvitationUtils.sys.mjs:432 setField resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calInvitationUtils.sys.mjs:380 updateInvitationOverlay resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calInvitationUtils.sys.mjs:418 createInvitationOverlay resource:///modules/calendar/utils/calInvitationUtils.sys.mjs:292 convertToHTML resource:///modules/CalMimeConverter.sys.mjs:59
A user (u758982) reported similar error messages in This bug report
However the bug reported (and now apparently fixed) related to:
TypeError: aPart is null MimeMessage.sys.mjs:142:7
Which in the case of u758982 followed the messages I have above.
I do not get the MimeMessage error.
Thunderbird 128.3.0esr (64bit) on Mac OS (14.6.1).
My thoughts
I presume there is a particular e-mail in that folder which has some kind of issue or error that causes the indexer to halt. I presume it's in some way related to calendar (e.g. and ICS invite or something with a formatting error) as the error messages seem to indicate that. Unforuntately I can't identify which e-mail it is or I'd probably just deal with that.
I'd appreciate any help in troubleshooting - if it's an error on my side or can be easily fixed (.e.g identify the e-mail!). Happy to provide more details as needed.
Thanks in advance.
Note: this was originally posted in the Thunderbird Reddit but appears to have been auto-removed. I'm unclear why so posting here instead.
Ezalaki modifié
All Replies (1)
I see your posting report in the "auto removed by reddit" queue, probably because of the logs that it included.
I have approved https://www.reddit.com/r/Thunderbird/comments/1fvvk6t/indexing_of_messages_global_search_indexer_unable/