Hard Drive Crash and Email+ Data Recovery
I had a hard drive crash and along with that went my email, address book and history data. I had the hard drive replaced and then installed Thunderbird. I also bought a Sabrent recovery unit and found that a lot of data was still intact on the old drive using the recovery hardware. What folders/titles am I looking for in the old hard drive pertaining to Thunderbird and can I merge (not over write) those into the new Thunderbird program on the new hard drive? What’s the procedure? Thanks
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Here is what I respond when asked how to transfer from one PC to another. I think it may apply here IF you have located the c:\users\<yourid>\appdata\roaming\thunderbird folder. If you do NOT have the thunderbird folder, let me know and I'll provide other steps.
Here is the link for moving a profile in Windows when installed in default location:
here is the info in brief steps:
- ensure thunderbird is not running on old machine
- enter %appdata% in search window on task bar and press Enter key
- this should open windows file explorer in Appdata\roaming folder
- highlight the Thunderbird folder and copy to external media
- ensure thunderbird is installed on second computer and NOT running
- enter %appdata% in search window on task bar and press Enter key
- you should be in Appdata\roaming folder , copy&paste the exported Thunderbird folder there. This may prompt to overwrite an existing folder of same name. allow it
- start thunderbird and all should be there