Error message from ABUSIX
Two months ago I tried to send an email on Thunderbird (not using email address logged in here) and I received the popup message below. I did not access the site as given, but just uninstalled and reinstalled Thunderbird and all worked OK until now, The same thing just happened. My IP said they had not heard of Abusix and that it might be a problem with Thunderbird, hence the reason for de/re installing. Is this threat real or is it a hoax or scam or what. Searching for Abusix all I get are results pointing me to their website.
All Replies (1)
It's saying that the IP address associated with your computer (all computers are assigned an IP address for Internet communication) is blacklisted and, therefore, the SMTP server (the one through which you send your email) has refused a connection.
It could be that the format of your emails (excessive numbers of recipients, for example) has blacklisted your IP Address. IP Addresses are reassigned after a reboot so that should be all it takes to be able to send email. However, be careful how you format your emails.