How to sort by tags alphabetically
I want to be able to sort bookmarks by Tags within any bookmarks folder. Now am I seeing this right? At present this is possible - but only in reverse alphabetical order. I.e., click Views | Sort by Tags - and get the order z,y,x... from the top of the list, or a,b,c... from the bottom of the bookmark list.
This seems to make no sense. What I want is:
Name Tags Desdemona Enterprises a Zillion Web Zappers b Alphamygosh the Blogman c Wherever the webman d
Etc, etc.... you get the picture
I could then use the tags to order the list from the top down.
Ezalaki modifié
All Replies (3)
Hmmmm....something went wrong with my posted list, this comment isn't very clear
If the Tags column (Views > Show Columns) is visible in the Bookmarks Manager (Library) then you should be able to toggle between A-Z and Z-A sorting by clicking on the Tags column.
Yes but that doesn't solve the problem. I can sort, but as I mentioned above:
"I get the order z,y,x... from the top of the list, or a,b,c... from the bottom of the bookmark list. "
Which isn't what I want.
I want a,b,c from the top of the list.
But the Tags order themselves counter-intuitively.