problems with vs 15.01 freezing
I have been having problems with FF vs 15.01 freezing. To get it to work I have had to disable a few add-ons, which didn't work. I have now disabled shockwave flash 11.4.402.287 just to be able to use FF to start this thread. I will run with flash disabled for a day or two to see if that is the problem. If it is then Mozilla will know what's causing this. See info below:
All Replies (6)
hello, some other users have reported that security software might be causing the issue. what kind of programs do you use? in case you have trusteer support installed, please make sure, that you're updated to the latest version -old versions of trusteer rapport are known to cause problems with flash/firefox:
I use Trusteer Raport and that isn't the problem. I disabled the Shockwave Flash plug-in 11.4.402.287 and not only is FF running as sweet as a nut now, my computer is as fast as it was when it was new just 18 months ago. Flash is the snake in the woodpile and most Internet users hate it. Only web developers seem to love it, but the sooner it goes the way of the dodo the better. But that will never happen, will it? I will try and manage without the plug-in in future.
hello, it's likely a interference between the adobe flash plugin and trusteer, which caused problems after adobe has introduced "protected mode" for its flash plugin - i'd try updating trusteer rapport first...
To be honest with you I can't be bothered trying to sort it all out. I have now decided to move completely over to Google Chrome and to that end I have spent a bit of time configuring it to the way I like it this morning. It's entirely up to Mozilla to get their act together over this issue and not for the users to sort out. Everything works as it should do on Chrome, which leaves me to do the things I want without worrying about the tech side. So, good bye Mozilla, it was good while it lasted.
KCTowers, i'm sorry you feel that way, but mozilla can't fix third-party software. you're of course free to use any browser you like.
in case other users with the some problem are reading here: newer versions of trusteer rapport should already address this issue - open the rapport console from the start menu. when you're version is not up to date (1205.12 would be the current one at the moment) please apply the update or directly download it from http://download.trusteer.com/Gcur4Wtnu/RapportSetup.exe
Thanks for your help and advice madperson, just checked it and my Trusteer is up to date and does get auto updates. The only thing that cured the freezing was to disable the flash plug-in. Anyway, it's water under the bridge as I am now fully using Chrome.