As an employee of ABNAMRO Bank NV, Internet and Mobiel department, i would like to ask you if it is possible to get a Firefox Phone for testing our apps
I am functional manager for our Mobile Apps. From that point of view we have to test our apps, amongst others Mobile Banking, on several devices and platforms. Recently i read that Firefox launched their first device and that makes us eager to use your phone in our test program.
We look forward to receiving your answer
Kind regards, Hans Tolman Functional Manager Internet and Mobile ABN AMRO Bank Nv Channel solutions
All Replies (2)
hello HansTolman, firefox os test devices for developers can be ordered from http://shop.geeksphone.com/en/ or you can use the firefox os simulator addon: https://marketplace.firefox.com/developers/docs/firefox_os_simulator
There are also articles on the "Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog" website that may interest you.