How can I get rid of this? script:chrome://messenger/content/mailWindows.js:173
I have combed the internet for an answer but cannot find anything conclusive.
Each time I open Thunderbird from scratch I get this message:
This has been going on for several days now.
Once you answer the pop up question, one way or the other, the program carries on downloading messages.
Any advice would be very welcome.
I am on windows 8 home edition.
All Replies (9)
I assume your seeing a timeout message.
Most common cause is anti virus programs. Turning off email scanning is often all that is required.
I just discovered the problem. It was HOLA.ORG. I uninstalled that program, as that was the most recent browser addon that I installed and now everything is back to normal. There must be other HOLA users that use Thunderbird, so I do not understand that conflict, if that is what the problem was. Thanks for your prompt response!
No idea really, except Hola must set a proxy to hide your physical location. Internet connections only have a proxy or not. Thunderbird and Firefox share a single internet connection and hence a single proxy.
You mail requests were probably traveling half way round the world and back
Hmmm yes, that could be true, but TB works perfectly with another paid or unpaid VPN that I have ever used, besides which HOLA only engages when you ask it to....so mystery unsolved. Strange that the error message referred to Chrome as well. Cheers.
I had a similar issue, I recently downloaded the ShopAtHome toolbar and started receiving the same message a quick uninstall cleared the issue up.
I still have the same problem despite launching safe mode or changing McAfee settings.
I have no Hola or toolbars in Chrome, all extensions turned off, and still getting this error in Thunderbird. Seems to have gotten worse since the update that auto-installed this morning. Already had McAfee settings for attachments turned off per previous advice - that worked at the time but something is slowing it up again.
The error has nothing to do with the browser called chrome. It has to do with javascript in Thunderbird acting on the thunderbird chrome (that is the user interface your see.)
If you have McAfee the first port of call is their chat support and ask them to check your settings. There are just to many permutations of "what works" as they have now released about 4 versions that mess up Thunderbird and all have a different fix.
Thanks. Actually, I turned off a chrome add in and it worked better, but only for a while.
Unfortunately I have mcafee through att so there is effectively no support. Oh well.