What are the advantages and disadvantages to cookies?
Ok, so I am required to interview some expert for a Final in college. I choose to do my final on cookies throughout the different browsers. The downside is that it is nearly impossible to get a one-on-one interview from an expert in this field. This is my next option. So here are my questions, and I greatly appreciate the help.
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cookies?
2. Where are the cookies stored, and is it possible for someone to access that information?
3. You hear horror stories of hackers accessing the different cookies saved on a person's computer, and from there gradually piecing together enough information about that person, to hack into nearly every account they have. How probable is this? What safeguards can a person take against this happening?
Once again, thank you for any help received.
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I attended uni back in the 70's, and as I recall we had to do some actual research for our term papers - like from books in the library, and needed to "document" our research in a footnote for each page.
I guess times have changed a bit since then I guess - anecdotal evidence is permissible now?
Here's a search of articles in the Mozilla Developer Network documentation. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/tag/Cookies