Email account does not send from my iphone and does not receive emails on my computer.
I set up thunderbird email account on my computer and my iphone. I can only send and not receive emails on my computer account and I can only receive and not send from my phone account. When I try to send emails from my phone the email bounces to my outbox where it sits and I get a message that says "Cannot Send Mail The sender address was invalid" I think something was off in the initial setup because this problem has persisted from the beginning however I cannot figure out how to fix it. Need help please so that email sends and receives from either location: computer or iphone.
All Replies (15)
Please post info on the account - the incoming server settings and the SMTP server settings. That may generate ideas. Focus on this forum is on the email account. The phone's problem may just be a misspelled email account.
Hello David, thanks for helping. I will share the settings on the set up in both places where I have the email account because they both work...only in reverse of one another?! I can only use one to send and one to receive. No conversation strands are possible in this way. Please let me know what you think I could do to make my email work properly in both places or if you need more information. TIA!
The email on my phone is set up as :
- THIS is the one I can receive emails on and cannot send emails from
incoming mail server: imap.ionos.com
USE SSL imap path prefix: / server port : 993
outgoing mail server: smtp.ionos.com
USE SSL server port : 465
The email on my Thunderbird ap on my computer is set up as:
- THIS is the one I cannot receive email on and I can send email from*
Upon setting up my account I received emails for four days then never again...? server settings: imap.ionos.com
port: 143 defaul:995 SSL/TSL
composition: Use my global LDAP server preferences for this account
Outgoing mail server: smtp.ionos.com (default)
port 465 SSL/TSL
I suggest reviewing the PC's incoming server. 995 is not the default for IMAP. Is this a POP account?
What is a POP account and What is a better number setting for IMAP? I'd like it to be an IMAP account bc I plan to access the email from multiple devices. How do I see if it is set up as a POP account instead of an IMAP?
In account settings, click server settings. The top line will display either POP or IMAP for server description. An IMAP port would be 993, whereas 995 is often used for POP. That was my clue. Also, port 143 is usually used with STARTTLS, not SSL/TLS.
I see in Server settings the following: Server Type : POP Mail Server (this does not appear to be a choice) Server Name: imap.ionos.com (is typed in) Port: 143 default 995
Connection Security has a drop down and is clicked on SSL/TLS.
Do you think The Server Type is the problem? Seems, yes. Is there a way to change the Server Type in Thunderbird to Imap? And do you think this is why the email on my computer is not receiving emails? Further do you this there is a connection to why the same email account on my phone cannot send messages? What do I do?
Thank you for your help.
If you want an IMAP account, you will need to create a separate account; you cannot use this one. If that's the case, you could delete this and then create the IMAP one using the settings as on phone: port 993, SSL/TLS. Check settings carefully on phone and use that on PC. This link may assist: https://www.ionos.com/help/email/general-topics/settings-for-your-email-programs-imap-pop3/
Will I still be able to keep the same email address?
Also, what about the fact that I cannot send messages from this email address on my phone? If I set the new one up just like the phone will I have the same issue?
Thank you !
There will no change in your email address. Once you have it working properly on your PC, the same setup should work on the phone.
Okay, so the article you sent says to create an ionos email address in ionos first...do I do this with my email address in question? Do I then come back to thunderbird and create a new account? Please let me know if this procedure below is correct or needs changing before I go for it: step 1: delete current thunderbird account from PC Step 2: create ionos email address in ionos step 3: create new account in thunderbird with email address and IMAP server type step 4: plug in the settings as on phone: port 993, SSL/TLS.
AGAIN, thank you David!
You are NOT creating a new email address, just a new email account. use same email address as before. Use steps 1, 3, and 4. Skip 2 as not needed.
Hello David, I have deleted the account and have now opened the account again with all the same settings as I have on my phone.
I just sent a test email from this account on my computer and I was able to send and receive a message from and to this location.
I just sent a test email from the account on my phone and it still says "cannot send mail The sender address in invalid" Further now I am not receiving mail on this account on the iphone? Thoughts please?
thank you for your assistance. feels like we are close?
Novain'i editor33 t@
Did you try different cases for your email? I have had times where it would not accept my email unless it has the exact case structure even though MANY other places seemed to not care.
Change incoming port to 993 and set to SSL/TLS . For outgoing, try port of 465 and SSL/TLS and let me know. You do need encryption and this should do it.