Cannot authenticate, Time out, and occasionally exceeded connection limits with gmail and plusnet
Today both our email accounts stopped working. One is a gmail account and one is from plusnet. Both accounts worked yesterday. I have made no changes or altered anything on the machine or Thunderbird. I have found that a TB 115 patch was applied at 09:17(UK time) 28 Nov. This correlates to when the problem started. No new emails downloaded. - checked directly with email providers and mails present
Then I received various messages: 1. Cannot authenticate. Shut down TB, rebooted router. then 2. Time out (received from both email servers.) and occasionally exceeded conection limits.
No problems accessing emails via outlook. What is the problem please.
P. New
Novain'i Wayne Mery t@
All Replies (6)
What's the antivirus? It might have become incompatible with the updated TB, or its firewall may need to be updated to allow the new TB access.
Window11 23H2 last update 16/11 Antivirus- AVG free Firewall - windows, default settings
I have made no alterations to either AVG or Firewall since installation.
P. New
Disable the AVG Email Shield, as this component of Avast/AVG is a perennial source of issues. You still have the real-time background scan.
Small problem there: -I have another machine running 115.5.1 with AVG (same version of windows) with no problems. I did find that on the machine with the problem a TB update failed some 2 mins before it was then successfully installed. Which may be a potential point of failure, your thoughts appreciated.
BTW. I run AVG because I wanted a mail shield.
If you can get AVG to scan mail without issues, keep it as is. But be prepared in case it starts to cause issues.
Resolution: Delete all accounts from TB. Unistall TB. Reboot. Install TB . Add accounts. Notes: AVG left in place no alterations made.
Info about installing new 'clean' of TB including removing profiles would be helpful as I could not find sufficient clear info.