Mac - Firefox 122 - SHARE TAB to other app bug
In MacOS preferences I made a shortcut for Firefox for sharing a bookmark to Notes. I have several tabs open. I switch to some tab and press my shortcut. Everything happens just like when I share manually – either via the File-Share menu bar or by right-clicking on the bookmark. The bug when using my created shortcut is that it still only shares one tab – the first one. Clicking on another tab and pressing the shortcut again shares the first one, not the newly active one.
In Brave browser same thing works fine. Firefox + Waterfox tried and tested and the same bug.
Thanks a lot for your help
Novain'i Pavel Černý t@
All Replies (2)
Nevím kolik sem chodí uživatelů MAC, doporučil bych spíše anglické fórum: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/firefox
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