When Firefox locked out the PC JavaScript due to security issues, it also had the effect of locking out the Apple JavaScript which did not have the security iss
When Firefox locked out the PC JavaScript due to security issues, it also had the effect of locking out the Apple JavaScript which did not have the security issues. Firefox is not allowing the Apple Java plug-in to be used. This prevents me from being able to use the market caster feature on my E*TRADE account. I have asked E*TRADE to make a formal complaint against Firefox. This is my formal complaint. If I use Safari on my Mac Pro I can still use the market caster feature. If I use Firefox I cannot use the Market Caster. I do not think that Mozilla desires Safari to offer more features than Firefox. I would suggest that Mozilla get on the stick and fix the problem PDQ. I am an experienced computer electronics engineer. Dale L Fausett Technologist
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Novain'i Chris Ilias t@
All Replies (1)
Hi Dale,
It took me a moment before I realized that you were referring to the Java plugin, not Javascript. Those two are completely separate from each other. Javascript was never blocked.
There are old versions of the Java plugin that were blocked, but recent versions that have been updated to fix those security issues, are not blocked. If the Java plugin is still disabled, just go to Tools > Add-ons, select the Plugins panel, and beside Java Applet Plugin, click Enable.
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