Bookmarks search does not serch Description or Keyword. Is this normal?
Searching FF Bookmarks does not include results from Keyword or Description Field. Only searches Tags. Seams like this defeats the whole purpose of having a keyword field.
FF20 - addon Advanced Bookmarks Search is not available for 20.
All Replies (13)
A possibility is to add the keyword to the name field between parenthesis (keyword).
That should make Firefox find them.
That would work. Thanks. But my question remains. What purpose do the Description & Keywords field serve if they are not even searchable??
the keywords let you create an easy way to search a site from within the browser's address bar: How to search IMDB, Wikipedia and more from the address bar
The bookmark search will search name and location, not just tags.
I ask again, what purpose does the "Description" field serve?
A bookmark search should take into account all fields unless filters are possible.
I have 4,000 bookmarks. Why can't I search for text added to "Description" or "Keywords" fields???
Why "Keywords" doesn't that imply searchable?? The field serves no purpose. In what context can the field be used. Every user who enters text into this field is wasting their time.
The advanced search addon helped but that is out of date.
Novain'i tplowe56 t@
The description holds extra information about the page. Sometimes, when you bookmark a page, there is some kind of description already in there, but you can add whatever you want in there as well. The keyword is a short key sequence you can use in the address bar to call up a page that is bookmarked. For instance, I put a keyword of ddg into the bookmark for DuckDuckGo, and I can launch that site by typing ddg into the address bar (and hitting the return key).
So how do i add the same keyword to a batch of sites, let's say two dozens? And create a virtual folder?
I guess I will just put my data in Tags field (which works perfect for my purpose). I don't know if there is a limit on haw many tags you can have or not.
The scenario I have is: Say you have auto parts or electronic parts that you purchase from 1 or more websites once in a while. If you search for the part number in bookmarks those websites with the part number listed in "Tags" will come up. This works fine using Tags, but it would make more sense to be able to use keywords.
I tried the method above, but if you have more than one website with the same keyword, it only shows the first one.
So how do i add the same keyword to a batch of sites, let's say two dozens? And create a virtual folder?
Exactly. It can't be done using the address bar.
It can be done by using the same text entered in the 'Tags" field searching from Bookmarks search.
Novain'i tplowe56 t@
It could be done before many versions back. But now know. I really not now the purpose of the keyword search and support.mozilla.org doesn't list it anymore either so i guess it's a dead project.
Novain'i klappa875 t@
This will also bring up any URLS that also happen contain your Tag. Advance search option are really whats needed or an advanced search addon
Seems they messed up both keyword and tags
Before Firefox created a virtual bookmark when using keyword but not now
Novain'i klappa875 t@
As far as i know Advanced Bookmarks Search was the ONLY addon capable of searching the description field....it would be great if someone could update and maintain it! PLEASE.