How about a 'Date deleted' column in the Trash folder?
This would make it much easier to find what may be quite an old message just deleted by accident, or that you want to find again.
All Replies (8)
There is a bug report requesting this, but in 11 years not much interest so I'd say highly unlikely to happen
Thanks Wayne. I just spotted there is option to set an 'Order received' column I never noticed before (useful!). Maybe the data field could be used (as an easy hack) for 'Order deleted' in Trash only?
spume said
Thanks Wayne. I just spotted there is option to set an 'Order received' column I never noticed before (useful!). Maybe the data field could be used (as an easy hack) for 'Order deleted' in Trash only?
I would like to see some action on this. Just this evening I was deleting some emails in the inbox, dosed off while my finger was on the delete key and deleted several older emails I wanted to hold for future action. Some went back several months so trying to remember what I was saving is impossible and scrolling through 3 or 4 months of Trash isn't easy when I get about 100 emails a day. To be able to filter Trash by delete date would be a wonderful addition.
The proposed new feature could be generalised by calling it 'date moved to folder'. Then it would help people out not just when deleting emails by accident (ie moving to Trash folder) but on moving to any folder.
If you delete in error, you could use the 'Edit' > 'Undo delete message' option. But it would need to be done soon after deleting in error.
Yes! Ctrl-Z often works too. As you say though, you have to do it soon.
People, file your messages that you want to keep. Don't leave them mixed up with the traffic.
Zenos said
People, file your messages that you want to keep. Don't leave them mixed up with the traffic.
Good Advice. It is too easy to put filing off.