Composing hyperlinks does not work intuitively as in WORD
I expect to compose a hyperlink and hit space or return to end the hyperlink, but Thunderbird IDIOTICALLY continues the hyperlink to the new line or beyond the space. Likewise when I position the cursor at the beginning of a hyperlink and hit return, Thunderbird idiotically continues the hyperlink to the line above the intended hyperlink.
Will you please yank the developer off the project and put someone on it who understands that Microsoft WORD's handling of hyperlinks is PERFECT, and makes Thunderbird work the same?
This has annoyed me for YEARS, and there is no excuse for stubbornly refusing to fix it.
All Replies (5)
This really should be reported to Bugzilla instead, as developers are not on the support forums. Currently you can end editing the hyperlink by selecting Format/Discontinue Link, or using its hotkeys: Ctrl-Shift-K.
By the way keep in mind, that just because something does not work as you are accustomed to, does not mean that it is "idiotic". Also, if as you are saying "stubbornly refusing to fix it", have you at least reported this already?
I did not know about Ctrl-shift-K, and I have tested it at the beginning and end of the hyperlink, and it works fine. So, Thanks.
The Ctrl-shift-K should function to CONTINUE (not discontinue) the hyperlink because the VAST MAJORITY of the time, the user wants to enter the hyperlink and then get on with the message WITHOUT having to punch a special key to discontinue the hyperlink.
Thus, "Idiotic" applies here. This is an INTENTIONALLY BAD (DYSFUNCTIONAL) FEATURE, not a bug. When I last reported it as unintuitive, the developer told me to pound sand, so to speak, with an absolute refusal to fix it. It needs fixing.
Again, Microsoft handles hyperlinks PERFECTLY and INTUITIVELY in WORD and OUTLOOK. Libreoffice and openoffic.org also handle hyperlinks perfectly and intuitively. What's wrong with emulating PERFECTION?
The hyperlink mess is the most loathsome feature in Thunderbird.
Where did you report it? Please send a link.
I first reported it several years ago. I just reported it again. See Bug 1474983.