Recovery of lost bookmarks, news, layout settings and similar data after Thunderbird DOWNGRADING from 78-to-68 version
Could anyone help me with the following problems, please ...? - I'm trying to recover the bookmarks & news & other original settings from my original TB Ver 68 (see my previous postings and your great advice at this list!), and I would like to ask you for a follow-up advice in trying this recovery - and like to ask you the following: 1) While desperately searching for the specific Profile with the lost data, I have found that I made in the past some 68-version back-up files of the bookmarks, news, etc. USING the TB Back-up .CSV-text files 'Export' Option: if they could be 'Imported' back into this 68-downgraded version - how to do it ...?
2) ALSO: as I've posted in this Forum before, I've definitely successfully Upgraded from TB Ver 68 to 78 WITHOUT the loss of the data above BUT - I did NOT like the visual changes of the 78-Upgrade and that's why I've decided to downgrade back to the original TB 68 version and my question is: the 78-Upgrade version still MUST BE somewhere in my PC, right (?) so - would you know in what specific Folder to FIND it and how to properly re-install it ...IF we don't succeed in recovering the lost 68-version data by using the 'Back-up .CSV-text files' mentioned above under 1) ...? And if you think it might be useful to you - I'd try to create and send you an additional and complete image/s of the 2 Profiles I've so far found in the TB Profile-folder so please let me know. I'm sorry I'd like very much to recover as much as of this original data because I spent few years to setup my pretty detailed and 'specifically tailored' TB-layout. I'd greatly appreciate further suggestions based on my questions above and my present situation with the DOWNGRADING process. Tony H.
All Replies (1)
November 5, 2020 - Could anyone from the more experienced TB users offer a reply to any of my questions above, please? Any help would be greatly appreciated ...!