Thunderbird e-posta hataları\ Thunderbird email errors
Mail atarken imza olarak bir jpeg dosyası oluşturdum ve bu jpeg dosyasını imza olarak kaydettim. Bu dosya mail attığım zaman karşı tarafa hem metnin altında hem de ek dosya olarak gidiyor. Bunu nasıl çözebilirim.
Bir de e-posta gönderirken ekte resmini paylaştığım hatayı veriyor. Bunu nasıl çözebilirim.
Kolay gelsin.
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When sending an e-mail, I created a jpeg file as a signature and saved this jpeg file as a signature. When I send an e-mail, this file is sent to the other party both under the text and as an attachment. How can I solve this?
Also, when sending an e-mail, it gives the error whose picture I have attached. How can I solve this?
Have a nice day
All Replies (1)
That the recipient sees the image as an attachment doesn't mean the image is being sent twice. If the recipient removed the attachment from the message (which he may very well want to do to make the message take less space on disk if he wants to keep it), the image would probably be removed from the signature as well. You may check this by sending a message to yourself.
The error message you're getting would seem to indicate you're sending the message to an email address that doesn't exist. If you're sure it does exist and typed it correctly, it would seem to indicate a problem with the SMTP server that you cannot fix in Thunderbird.