My "refresh" button is on the very end of the RIGHT side of the tool bat while my "back and "forward" is still on the very left of the tool bar?
I just upgrade to firefox 4 There are a few issues but on my toolbar the refresh button now appears on the very left side of the tool bar. My "back" and "forward" button are still where they always been -- on the left side. Is it possible to move the Refresh button over so that it is next to the back and forward button? Also my cut, copy and paste are on the left __i can not move them either???
All Replies (5)
I made a mistake in my question above --I t should be that in 4.0 the "refresah button" is on the far ''''''right side'''''' of the tool bar. Can I move t to the left side where my "back" and "forward" buttons are? I have never seen tose three buttons seperated before?
Right click your mouse over any tool on the toolbar. Then select 'customize' and a window will pop up with more buttons. While that window is open you can drag the existing buttons on your tool bar to any spot you want.
I can't find *any* refresh button. Wish that I could. I also couldn't find it when I tabbed to the customize page.
THANK YOU FRED ! It worked.
If you see the missing item in the Customize window then drag it back from the Customize window onto one of the toolbars.
If you do not see that item in the palette in the Customize window then click the "Restore Default Set" button.
If the above steps didn't help then see:
See also: