to to fix small flash player ? when i open games games dont fit in screem
ok will before i upgraded firefox it was fine here is link: before:: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=693370167418742&set=a.485308168224944.1073741825.100002372940473&type=1&theater
and this is now
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=748274248567958&set=a.509268812468504.1073741832.100001561684671&type=1&theater if u look i scrolled all the way down thats all it goes
plz help me out. and srry i only kno how to link picture from facebook
All Replies (1)
Sometimes when Flash is embedded into a page, it doesn't resize proportionally when you zoom. Could you try adjusting the zoom level and see whether that helps?
- Hold down Ctrl and tap the + key to enlarge, and the - key to reduce
- Hold down Ctrl and tap 0 (zero) to return to the base level of zoom
- Or use the zoom buttons on the "3-bar" button menu panel