emoji black and white in Ubuntu
On many websites lots of emoticons are shown in black and white, others in colour.
Supplemental Images all appear coloured, on Emoticons only 20% are coloured. This is what appears in Firefox Debugging tools:
Fonts Used DejaVu Sans
DejaVu Sans Bold Oblique
Noto Color Emoji Noto Color Emoji
The same page is shown with coloured emoticons in Google Chrome. Additionally, same emoticons are shown in colour when used in Mozilla Thunderbird.
How can I set emoji in colour for Firefox?
I placed this issue in a different forum as well: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/firefox-emoji-are-black-and-white-4175676403/
All Replies (2)
Please ignore emma1011's post - it's a scam !
You may have seen a post or received a notification regarding support for Firefox with a link to another site. This is a scam and is not an official site to receive support from Mozilla. Please do not click on the link and do not interact by calling any phone numbers or email addresses listed. You are currently posting on the official Mozilla website and will receive assistance here.