adding my existing email to thunderbird
cannot add my existing time warner roadrunner email account to thunderbird
All Replies (1)
I'm presuming you are getting some message about password or user name is wrong ?
You also do not mention whether you are trying to set up imap or pop.
Spectrum has taken over TWC.
The following is copied text: Server Settings Based on Domain (@example.com)
Brighthouse.com, bak.rr.com, bham.rr.com, cfl.rr.com, emore.rr.com, eufala.rr.com, indy.rr.com, mi.rr.com, panhandle.rr.com, tampabay.rr.com
- Incoming Email Server: mail.brighthouse.com
- Outgoing Email Server: mail.brighthouse.com
TWC.com and any domain ending in .rr.com not covered above (this could be you as you mention time warner)
- Incoming Email Server: mail.twc.com
- Outgoing Email Server: mail.twc.com
IMAP is the preferred method that spectrum would like to to use.
- The incoming mail server: mail.twc.com
- Incoming server port: 993
- Connection Security: SSL/TLS
- Authentication Method: Normal Password
- User name : email address
- The incoming mail server: mail.twc.com
- Incoming server port:110.
- Connection Security:None
- Authentication Method: Normal Password
- User name : email address
- Outgoing mail server (SMTP): mail.twc.com
- Outgoing server port: 587.
- Connection Security: STARTLS
- Authentication Method: Normal Password
- User name : email address