Disable Save menu entry from Firefox built-in PDF Viewer on local Linux system
I would like to prevent users to navigate on the Linux system when they view a PDF and then use the Save option. The "PDFjs" policy enables or disables the PDF Viewer but does not control the built-in PDF Viewer menus.
All Replies (3)
I thought the Save button in the built-in PDF viewer worked the same way as Save Page As... (Ctrl+S). I don't suppose there is a policy to lock Save Page As (or the context menu Save [object] As... entries) to a specified downloads directory?
(I'm going to flag this thread to be moved over to Firefox for Enterprise since there should be more policy gurus there.)
There's a bug being worked on to remove Save dialogs:
but we currently don't have a way to do this.
As a work around, you can force the download directory to something like /dev/null and that should work (in theory), although I haven't tested with pdf.js specifically.
Firefox 124 will allow blocking file dialogs with the AllowFileSelectionDialogs enterprise policy.