What does the extension ConfirmBeforeDelete need to work with Thunderbird 128+
The extension ConfirmBeforeDelete is extremely useful. It has saved me not only from accidentally deleting messages, but also from dragging and moving folders when I didn't intend to.
I recently had to manually recover from deleting 20 messages in a search window after I had accidentally hit the delete key (while I thought my cursor was up in one of my search fields).
Really, that functionality should be a built-in feature in Thunderbird.
The latest version of ConfirmBeforeDelete is 1.9.3, released Nov. 20, 2023. Compatible with Thunderbird 115.*
What did that extension need to be compatible with Thunderbird 128+? In other words, what change(s) in Thunderbird broke it? Would the fix be something easy or will it require more significant changes?
I tried to contact the author last October (even offered to gather some donations), but have not heard back.
It looks like there was already at least one person interested in helping. Thread on github:
How to update for Thunderbird 128? How to update for Thunderbird 128?
All Replies (5)
Ideas and suggestions can be loaded here - https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/ideas/idb-p/ideas As an aside, recovering an error is built into the Windows OS and is accessed by using the keyboard command Ctrl+Z
frisée said
Ideas and suggestions can be loaded here - https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/ideas/idb-p/ideas As an aside, recovering an error is built into the Windows OS and is accessed by using the keyboard command Ctrl+Z
Thanks for the link to make a feature request for Thunderbird. I'll do that, but I have a feeling that updating the ConfirmBeforeDelete extension (or creating a new, similar extension) may happen sooner.
As for Ctrl-Z (also Edit -> Undo from the menus), I've had inconsistent results doing that. I think sometimes that has un-done an earlier action, not the most recent one. Also, I will have to test whether it works properly for my example (where I had a search window with 20 messages highlighted and hit the delete key).
I just tested deleting a single message (not in a search window) and doing Edit->Undo Delete. While Thunderbird did restore the message, it left the original where it was in the mbox file (with an X-Mozilla-Status marker for 'has been deleted'), and created a new copy at the end of the mbox file (with a timestamp in the "From -" line giving the time I did the undelete). It is sometimes important to me to retain the original "From-" timestamp (showing when Thunderbird originally fetched the message).
Perhaps you misunderstood the suggestion you try posting an idea. This is a support forum. Not a developer forum and as such your initial post is off topic. Instead of tell you that your post is off topic you were being gently pointed to a more appropriate venue.
Essentially you started in the right place to discuss the addon development, the github repository for the addon, where you identified one of the Thunderbird employees. (At least they are listed on this page as such https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/about/) A Sr. Software Engineer, Desktop Add-ons per the link offering ideas to the addon author about how to upgrade the addon for version 128.
I would suggest you attempt to engage the experts on github intsead of continuing this discussion with your peers where no one can actually offer you any sort of answer. We are not developers! Perhaps with Johns help you can fork the addon and update it.
There is a 'fix' for addons that sometimes works - and it works here. - the addon xpi is really just a zip file - unzip, open the manifest.json file in text editor - change the max release number from 115.* to something higher, such as 129.* - rezip the file and change suffix back to xpi - install as addon - this may not work forever,
To be fully honest, this is a hack and may not work completely, but is sometimes worth a try when an addon is not updated.
david said
There is a 'fix' for addons that sometimes works - and it works here. ...
Thank you! I recall that hack being used years ago when the only problem with some addons was their max release number being too low for Thunderbird updates, and was hoping that might be the case here.
Update: Well, it works halfway. It asks for confirmation, but even when you click "OK" the message(s) are not deleted. I can live with that for now. The option that prevents accidentally moving folders does work too.
Update2: You can right-click on a message listed in a folder and click on the trashcan icon to delete it without being asked for confirmation. That takes enough effort that the likelihood of doing it accidentally is fairly low.