Unable to download Firefoa 3.6 from the web. The download box gives error and says the site is either unavailable or can not be found.
I've tried a few different link and they all take me to the same DL site for Firefox. I click the download and after a second or two a message box pops up saying,
Unable to download Firefox%20Setup%203.610exe from ftp.sunet.se.
Unable to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later
I have waited a little while and tried again later, but same result...
All Replies (2)
Did you download from this site? You should always download from Mozilla site, not others, for security reasons:
That is OK.
It is one of the mirror servers that Mozilla uses
http://www.mozilla.org/community/mirrors.html (The SUNET Archive (se))