Why do some YouTube videos no longer play in stereo?
I have uploaded over 200 music videos on YouTube (user name "texpaco"), all in HD format. Until recently ALL played in stereo. However, YouTube recently made changes that affect over half of them. They now load with a defaulted 240p playback option which is mono. Switching playback option to 360p on EACH video does allow for playback in stereo, but it has to be done each time the video is accessed. Others videos that load with the same 240p option still play in stereo, and I can discern no rhyme nor reason as to which or why some videos revert to the old mono format.
I have tried browsing YouTube using both IE8 and the latest Google Chrome browsers and with both of them all videos still play in HD (stereo) as before.
Firefox has been my default browser for almost two years and I'm very reluctant to change, but others who use Firefox are undoubtedly experiencing the same problem.
I am using the latest versions of Firefox (3.6.10) and Adobe Flash Player (Version 10,1,85,3), and all other add-on's and plug-in's show current versions with no up-dates available.
I’ve queried YouTube support several times and the best (and only) response has been on the order of “Gee, I dunno!”
Does anyone know what’s going on and what a possible solution might be?
Paige (aka texpaco)
All Replies (5)
I'm getting the 360p version by default. You can try to delete the YouTube cookies to see if that helps.
I've tries a few other videos and they also played the 360p version
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIIiS7kjCps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLgPJNWonT0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWhOO9Q323Y
Some of my videos default to 360p, others to 240p. Even some of those that default to 240p STILL play in stereo...no rhyme, reason, nor pattern that I've been able to discern. I repeat that this is a fairly recent problem, starting only a few weeks ago, and seems to be limited to FireFox. Until then, ALL my videos played in HD (stereo).
I've tried several times deleting cookies and going back to YouTube as an unregistered user with the same results. I've cleaned the cache (both CCleaner and CleanUp!), done registry sweeps, cleared history, etc....still same results.
I've had a friend go into YouTube also using all three browsers. Her experience was the same...ALL my videos play in stereo with both IE8 and the latest Google Chrome, almost 2/3 of them now in MONO when using Firefox unless playback option is switched to 360p.
Some other examples of my videos are: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Thz1zDAytzU (MONO) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1iXBa56jks (STEREO) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGsy6Ynu-pw (MONO) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZ_WgrAAsBI (STEREO) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbJD2HIEs2s (MONO)
Que Paso??
Paige (aka texpaco)
All three available resolutions (240p, 360p, 480p) play as stereo for me if I open http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1iXBa56jks
You can try to clear (reset) the Flash settings.
Clear the Flash cookies and settings.
Flash Website Storage Settings panel:
See also Flash Local storage settings
Delete the macromedia.com and #SharedObjects folders to reset all Flash cookies and settings.
XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\ Vista: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\ Macintosh OSX: /Users/[username]/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash_Player/ GNU-Linux: ~/.macromedia/Flash_Player
The responses I'm getting keep referring to DIFFERENT videos that do play in stereo. These videos also play in stereo on my own computer. The problem I'm trying to resolve is why so many of MY videos that once played in stereo are now defaulting to 240p, some playing in stereo but most playing in MONO on Firefox.
I have twice before uninstalled Macromedia Flash Player, manually deleted all folders in all sections of my computer, done two registry sweeps plus manual sweeps (regedit), and then reinstalled with the same problem.
I repeat that the problem is not limited to just my computer, as there are now two friends who report the same situation on their computer...videos playing in MONO with Firefox, yet in STEREO with both IE8 and Google Chrome. The problem obviously is not settings within MY computer.
Would someone please just visit only ONE site:
and simply report back whether or not it plays in stereo on Firefox without changing the setting to 360p?
A follow up to my previous questions/posts.
This was apparently indeed a glitch with YouTube, and I was far from being the only one posting videos who was experiencing the same problem and raising questions.
Although I never got a direct response from YouTube, my videos are AGAIN loading with playbacks defaulting in HD Stereo, 360p and even those loading at 240p as default are again playing in Stereo.
My thanks again to all of you who offered help and possible solutions.