After upgrading to Firefox 5.0, links on http://www.sympatico.ca/?lang=en-CA will not open on a left mouse click.
After upgrading to Firefox 5.0, links on http://www.sympatico.ca/?lang=en-CA will not open on a left mouse click. I can right click and open links on this site in a new tab. Placing the mouse cursor over the link brings up the address in the status line at the bottom of the Firefox window, but Firefox won't go to the address. This does not happen on any other pages I am aware of.
As a bonus, I tried submitting this through the Firefox feedback page (via the Help menu) but the "Submit Feedback" button on that page is grayed out and doesn't work for me.
All Replies (6)
I had the same problem down loading this fixed the problem. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/add-on-compatibility-reporter/
Just make sure that you restart fire fox twice. for it to work.
I tried it but it didn't work
I right clicked on hyperlinks, "open in a new window", and voila there it is. Still can't do this with articles that are not hyperlinks, though. When finished reading the doc, I "x'd" out the screen, and the homepage is there for you to hit another hyperlink. Not perfect but it works. Larry Prekup London'
Aha, in sympatico.ca, on those banner type articles on the top left....when you left click on them, it pulls them to the right larger banner area, and you can right click there, "open link in a new window", or hit "W" key, read the article, then "X" out of it to get back the homepage...ah, the things we do for those bikini shots... Larry
Try a center click on the Sympatico links. In tools, options, tabs check everything. This does not open in a new window but it is quicker than the right click method. As usual no one wants to take ownership for sympatico problems and the more involved Mother Bell becomes the more problems we have. Hang in there someone from Mozilla will find a fix.
clear your history under "today" along with the cache button checked!! Go to Tools then Clear Recent History. Worked for me!!!