no suitable players found
Please help. Just got these super expensive goggles, and I need the software for them. I go here http://engage.reconinstruments.com/getstarted and get the 'additional plugins required' message. Then I click on Install Missing Plugins. I then get the message 'no suitable players found'. So I continue to try and download the software I am after, but nothing happens when I click the Download button. What Plugin do I need?
All Replies (2)
Please ignore Firefox's plugin finder. This is a proprietary plugin you will need to get from the site one way or the other.
The problem could be this: Unable to Download Recon Uplink for Mac OS X. I don't understand the workaround, but hopefully that means something to you.
That is caused by this code:
<object id="plugin0" type="application/x-recon" style="visibility:hidden" width="1" height="1"><param name="onload" value="pluginLoaded"> </object>
Click "Get Started > I don't have a goggle"
Looks that you need this file for Mac:
See also: