Recent upgrade from FF X32 to FF 75.0 x64. A lot of graphics on IMDB do not show up
Looking up a video/movie information on www.IMDB.com
1. Actor thumbnails to left of name not there. Other graphics seem to be OK, but do not normally look at the advertising garbage, so cannot say for sure.
2. Individual actor name selected. On actor's page, went to that actor's photo gallery. Thumbnails were there. Click on a thumbnail and get blank screen rather than the actual picture.
3. Unaware of any problem with any other site I visit regularly.
4. Checked everything using Opera browser and all was well.
5. This problem did not occur on FF x32 used last week before upgrade. Upgrade was only thing installed on hard drive after previous drive was cloned over weekend. Old hard drive (with FF x32) can be re-installed in 10 minutes.
All Replies (3)
Hi Charley, for #1, it's interesting how cast pictures are loaded on IMDB.
As an example, I loaded the page for The Royal Tenenbaums. Gene Hackman's photo is from this image tag:
<img height="44" width="32" alt="Gene Hackman" title="Gene Hackman" src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/imdb/images/nopicture/32x44/name-2138558783._CB468460248_.png" class="loadlate hidden " loadlate="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTE5Njk0NDQ4OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNjA0Mzc1._V1_UX32_CR0,0,32,44_AL_.jpg" />
The initial image is the plain silhouette placeholder
and then a script runs and puts the URL from loadlate into src where it belongs.
So perhaps on yours that script is not running, or if you don't even see the silhouette, perhaps your Firefox has something against images from that media-amazon.com site?
To see whether the script updated the src of the image, you can use the Page Inspector tool. Right-click the image, then click Inspect Element. That should open the Page Inspector in the lower part of the tab with the image tag selected. I'm attaching a screenshot for comparison.
Sorry for the delay in replying. Things happen.
Let me start with your reply with "The initial image is the plain silhouette placeholder."
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Close Firefox, re-open Firefox, go to same IMDB web page, different silhouette placeholders show up.
Then, lets go to your next reply with the "Page Inspector tool" with graphics. For starters, I never get the thumbnails you show.
In addition, clicking "Inspect Element" for the whole page shows results that are marginally the same where there are suppose to be urls.
As I indicated in the original message, the X32 version of Firefox was on the hard drive I cloned before I installed the X64 version of Firefox. I restored the cloned image on an erased drive, and installed the clone into the computer. Then copied all the files that had been changed to the new clone. Started up Firefox and damned if everything didn't show up correct.
I realize this did not fix the issue, but my computer is functional. If you want to screw with the problem, I can send you the Firefox directories/folders and you can play all you want. I cannot send the drive because there are way too many business and veteran group's files for me to track everything down and delete them.
OS is Windows 7 Pro (modified) (includes Classic Shell - now Open Shell (open source)) 250GB drive has 3 partitions (Windows, Programs, Data) Cloning by Todo Backup-Restore Lots of registry hacks - identical hacks on other two computers that work with X64
Thanks for you help!