Displaying Of Pictures Related To News On BBC Web site
Of recent, when I browse on BBC Web site to read the latest news, I discovered that some pictures (not all) related to the news being read are not displayed but only the caption describing the pictures in white text on black background are displayed. I have tried different approaches to solve the problem by refreshing the page and by zooming the screen all to no avail.
This is the problem I am having hence I am writing for assistance. I must admit that I don't experience the problem on other sites such as computer related sites or tech sites in general. I believe Firefox should be able to help me whether the issue is browser or site related. I mean whether I should have directed my request for help to BBC or Firefox Mozilla, all I just need is to get help to solve the problem.
All Replies (1)
Hi Radevic
I think I know what you mean, I think I see the sme thing myself.
If so, these are images being served from social media (typically Twitter) and are not on the BBC page itself. The images will appear, but sometimes take a little longer to be visible.
I hope that this helps.