"Sub acvounts" for Email address???
I/we are Directors of a small, 44- home Homeowners Association (HOA). We'd like to set up an email address for our HOA members to use in communicating with us, rather than our individual personal emails. Probably need 5 "sub" accounts, i.e, Pres, VP, Treas, ARC, ComGrds. An example for instance..the "Main" email address of (HOA name)@thunderbird.com. Then Pres:(HOA name)@thunderbird.com, then ARC:(HOA name)@thunderbird.com, etc. The 4 Directors could then go into Thunderbird, see/read/ respond to "their" respective emails, and all historical emails, etc. would be nice and neat for future Directors of the HOA.
Is this possible with Thunderbird email? 1 "master" email address, with 4-5 "ficticious" or "fake", but REAL email addresses under it?
All Replies (1)
My suggestion would cost you approx $30 a year, but would give the professional touch you want. Secure a domain name ($10) and a small web host account ($20 - you need nothing fancy), and those accounts allow for infinite email forwarding, using titles such as you proposed. Simple to administer. And you could create a simple, one-page, website with the name of organization. This also frees you from dependency on any email software.
By the way, Thunderbird on its own does not do what you want. Any account that allows alias email ids would work.