Firefox still running after exiting (Using File > Exit)
For the last several weeks, the reliability of Firefox has went off a cliff following an auto-update. After a few hours of browsing, it gets to the point where the tabs load extremely slow (or not at all). When this happens, I exit and relaunch.
Previously, it would be nearly instantaneously where the windows would close and the firefox.exe process would cease within seconds. Now, it's taking upwards of 5-10 minutes for the process to stop AFTER the windows have closed and, during that time, it'll bring the system to a near crawl. Once the process finally closes though, everything is back to working fine.
All Replies (5)
Open Firefox in Safe Mode and then see if closes like normal. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/diagnose-firefox-issues-using-troubleshoot-mode#w_how-to-start-firefox-in-4troubleshoot-modesf5safe-modesf
How much physical memory do you have and in what way is it used (i.e. low on free memory) because what you write makes me think that this is a problem with paging memory to the hard drive (Windows page file) ?
Unfortunately, it's still happening even after disabling the add-ons.
I have 64gb ram. It just seems to happen out of nowhere and, when it does, it brings the entire machine to a halt where the mouse cursor wont even move for a moment or two. It then catches up where the machine is usable again but I still have to go into the task manager to close out the running processes.
Update: The suggestion of the pagefile may be it. Upon looking into it further, windows is showing a page file on a separate slow spinning drive while the main drive is an NVME. Not sure why it would suddenly change since it was never used in the past but that'd be a logical reason for the new problems.
Update 2 Still early so the current browsing session hasn't aged yet but a big difference on overall system performance after straightening out the pagefile so that may've been it.
Try process explorer and get a better idea of what's still running. Then post a screenshot of the process causing the issue. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer
Examples of the tool being used. https://www.google.com/search?q=Process+Explorer&client=firefox-b-1-d&sxsrf=ALiCzsaBA4xbELHxZwgrOquezfTlOs5UgQ:1670903693513&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjx9uuo2fX7AhVDpXIEHdqrAbgQ0pQJegQIAxAE&biw=1404&bih=641&dpr=2
Here is what I see on my Win7 for Firefox. see screenshot