I cannot add a bookmark to the list. I'm using Windows 7 and Firefox 17
Why can't I add a new listing to Bookmarks. I can add a new listing to a folder but not the main list in Bookmarks.
All Replies (4)
All bookmarks are in one folder or another, The Bookmarks Menu folder is where bookmarks are saved, other than those bookmarks which in the Bookmarks Toolbar folder.
The reply was somewhat helpful. Bookmarks in Mozilla 17 is now very different. I use to click on add to Bookmarks and it would simply appear in the queue. I could organize some into folders, if appropriate. Now when I click add to Bookmarks I don't know where it goes. And the library has more than I want to add and keep. Any suggestions to help me understand the new wrinkles. Thanks.
Hello Lycett35, see How to use bookmarks to save and organize your favorite websites
thank you
- Clicking the star in the location bar will bookmark the page in the "Unsorted Bookmarks" folder and the star turns yellow (blue on Mac) to show that.
- The "Unsorted Bookmarks" folder shows in the sidebar and the Library, but not in the Bookmarks menu drop down list.
- Bookmarks > "Bookmark This Page" (Ctrl+D) will bookmark the page in the Bookmarks Menu folder (you need to confirm that).
- "Bookmark This Page" can be accessed via the right-click context menu of that browser page or by using the keyboard (Alt+B) to open the bookmarks menu.
- If the URL in the location bar is bookmarked (star at the right end is yellow/blue) then click the highlighted star or use "Bookmark This Page" (Ctrl+D) to edit the properties of the bookmark (name, location) and move it to another folder or remove the bookmark.
- Click the star at the right end of the location bar once to bookmark the current site and click the highlighted star a second time to open the "Edit This Bookmark" window and move the bookmark to another folder or edit the name.
- Click the Remove button in the "Edit This Bookmark" window to remove a bookmark.
- Click the arrow at the far right of the Folder field in the "Edit This Bookmark" window to access the complete folder list.
That full folder list also opens if you click the drop marker in the Folder field and select the "Choose" item.
That window also has a button to create a "New Folder" (look for a button with "New Folder" or a "+" under the folder list). - Use the "Edit This Bookmark" window to locate a bookmarked link (bookmarks have a yellow/blue star) from the location bar drop down list. Do that in Offline mode ("File > Work Offline") to avoid the link from opening.