Crash reports in Firefox for Desktop

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When Firefox for Desktop crashes, it can send a crash report to Mozilla to help us fix bugs and improve the browser. Starting with Firefox version 136, you can choose to automatically send crash reports or decide on a case-by-case basis after a crash.

This article explains what’s included in a crash report, how Mozilla uses it, and how you can manage the setting to automatically send crash reports.

What’s included in a crash report?

Backlogged crash reports include the same data as regular crash reports, which helps Mozilla identify and fix issues. This data may include:

  • Crash metadata: Information such as the operating system, Firefox version and the time of the crash.
  • Crash stack traces: Technical details about the code running at the time of the crash.
  • Device memory usage: Information about available memory at the time of the crash.

For a detailed breakdown of the data included in crash reports, visit the Glean Dictionary.

What’s included in a crash ping?

Firefox also sends crash pings, which are smaller reports containing non-identifying metadata about crashes. These are sent automatically unless you opt out of technical and interaction data collection in your settings.

How does Mozilla use crash reports and crash pings?

Mozilla uses crash reports to fix bugs by understanding what caused the crash and prioritizing fixes, improve reliability by identifying trends to make Firefox more stable, and enhance user experience by ensuring future updates are less likely to crash.

Allow Firefox to automatically send crash reports

You can control whether Firefox automatically sends crash reports:

  1. In the Menu bar at the top of the screen, click Firefox and then select Preferences or Settings, depending on your macOS version.Click the menu button Fx89menuButton and select Settings.
  2. Go to the Privacy & Security panel.
  3. Scroll down to the Firefox Data Collection and Use section.
  4. Check or uncheck the box next to Automatically send crash reports.

Automatically send crash reports

What happens if I enable this option?

If you enable this option, Firefox will automatically send backlogged crash reports when you’re back online. This ensures that Mozilla receives important crash data to improve Firefox’s stability. If you leave this option disabled (the default setting), crash reports will remain saved locally on your device until you manually choose to send them – for example, by submitting a crash report after Firefox prompts you following a new crash.

Related content

To learn more about how Mozilla handles your data, check out these resources:

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