How can I get the display of the sender instead of the group in mij received column?
Hi ;-) I am into a group on Yahoo, in my old mail prog. I got to see who send the message into the group, so the column said (as it also does in gmail) the person who send it, however in Thunderbird it only gives the group name. So I have to open every mail to find out who send it. However, when I send something I see my own name, that's the way I want it for all the members. So it is not a mail group created by me, it is information that already exist in gmail....as you can see on the prints. Can you help me out? Is it possible to get that display of the real sender?
Alle antwoorden (7)
I think you are seeing the "Correspondents" column when you want the "From" column. There's a icon in the upper right corner of the inbox pane that allows you to select the columns you wish to display. Tick/Check the box next to "From" and unselect the box next to "Correspondents".
I tried to upload an image showing the icon and the menu, but I don't see it in the preview of this post.
Thanks for responding Alan, I checked and the correspondents (in dutch almost the same word haha) was not selected, so unfortunately it is nog the solution. I saw your print, I enclose mine for the settings. (in dutch)
Thanks ;-) Ang
It's possible that Yahoo sends the emails this way, possibly to encourage respondents to reply to the group. If so, I'm not sure what you can do. If you highlight the email in Yahoo mail and "View raw message" (or otherwise view the message source, in TB you can view > message source) and locate the line beginning with "From: xxx", that should be what TB is displaying. I suspect it will be the group name?
There is also a setting: tools > options > Display > Advanced, where there is a checkbox for "Show only display name for people in my..." and that uses the "Display Name" from address book, so you have some control over that.
That could have been an explenation if the sender information wasn't mentioned in mijn Gmail. As you can see in my first print....in Gmail the sender is visible (in the column received from) from te mails of the group, so all the senders are mentioned seperately...that means that the information (as I used to see it) is given in my website of Gmail.....only in Thunderbird it will not show :-(
This post:
suggests two possible solutions:
- If you leave the display name for your Yahoo group blanc in your address book, Thunderbird will show the full e-mail adress, including the sender's
- That doesn't work for me (OSX 10.9.3). The only way to see the sender address is to uncheck "Show only display name for people in my address book". And then I can see the munged From address I entered above. The correct address is available only in the X-Sender and X-Original-From fields.
Solution #1 requires that you find the address book entry for the list and edit it.
The checkbox mentioned in solution #2 is found here: tools > options > Display > Advanced
I am going to try that solution....thank you very much. I searched the help topics before asking, must have missed this one.....sorry for that. I will let you know! Thanks again.
Yesss it did the trick ! Now I can see the senders e-mail and behind it the name of the group ....great !! Thank you so much for helping me along. Have a nice day.
greetz Angélica