Math formula in Moodle course displayed as plain Latex code since version 88
Recently (a few days), I have noticed that math formulas are displayed as plain Latex code in a Moodle-based course viewed on my windows Firefox browser. There is no problem with other browsers and android devices. It seems to be related to the automatic update to the version 88 of the Firefox browser. Is any one else facing this problem? Does anybody know a solution?
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I can't reproduce this issue, but I'm on Fx90/Win10. Do you see any errors in the Console (Ctrl + Shift + i)?
I'm using Windows 7 ... This error is shown in the console: Uncaught Error: No define call for theme_boost/tooltip http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#nodefine
makeError https://vc.kntu.ac.ir/lib/javascript.php/1618108528/lib/requirejs/require.min.js:5 completeLoad https://vc.kntu.ac.ir/lib/javascript.php/1618108528/lib/requirejs/require.min.js:5 onScriptLoad https://vc.kntu.ac.ir/lib/javascript.php/1618108528/lib/requirejs/require.min.js:5
Yes, a theme error can be a reason of it. Try to switch to Classic or Adaptable.
Thank you for the suggestion. If you mean the Classic theme of Firefox, it did not solve the problem. How about Adaptable, is it a theme too?
Yes, I'm using only Adaptable.
I can't find it. Can you please provide a link?
Thanks a lot for all of your hints It seems that only the moodle site admin can install a theme while I am just a site user (teacher).